Public Translations "ツール","Business"
Public Translations "ツール","Business" - requests for public viewing. Currently, there are 2 public requests available with the tag: ツール, Business for you to view. For a more refine search, use the search bar or click on more tags such as Tech, アプリ, App Store, スマホ, Casual.
・拡大機能 ボタンを押すだけの簡単な操作で、3倍までのズームが可能です。 ・ライト機能 ライトのオン、オフができ...
Japanese → Chinese (Simplified)
, 239 letters
(100% Completed)
くっきり拡大 新聞・辞書・地図を読むのに便利な拡大鏡!ライト点灯で手もとが暗い時もハッキリ見えるルーペ・虫眼鏡ア...
Japanese → Chinese (Simplified)
, 216 letters
(100% Completed)