Public Translations "Translation from Japanese to Chinese (Simplified) ","Casual","ASAP","Business"
Public Translations "Translation from Japanese to Chinese (Simplified) ","Casual","ASAP","Business" - requests for public viewing. Currently, there are 2 public requests available with the tag: Casual, ASAP, Business for you to view. For a more refine search, use the search bar or click on more tags such as Tech.
緑色の入門者 青色の熟練者 黄色の探求者 桃色の達人 緑色の星を10個つないでください 緑色の星を10個つなぎ...
Japanese → Chinese (Simplified)
, 137 letters
(100% Completed)
★一度に星をたくさんつなげると高得点!どこまでつながるかチャレンジしてみよう! ★GameCenterにも対応し...
Japanese → Chinese (Simplified)
, 234 letters
(100% Completed)