Tech & Programming / Mobile App Development

Restaurant reservation system on clojure.

Order Details

A person who wants to visit the store makes a reservation from the web form, and the store side decides whether or not to accept it by a one-touch operation (mobile phone).
App overview.
It consists of two platforms.
Get name, number of people, date and time from input form (html + clojure) on web.
Then, if there are exceptions such as full seats, holidays, or closings, skip the input form and display a warning.

Next is the native application(ClojureScript no React Native) on the mobile phone.
Store owners and staff will be notified of native apps and will be able to determine if they will accept customers with an intuitive Yes / No chart.

Please include any comments in the code in detail.
Please don't talk about the details (amount etc.) about the reward I pay you.
You may speak out of the facts you received.
I will not pay you any additional money from the sales amount.
Required Translator Languages
English Japanese
Payment Timing
Immediately after verification


04 Sep 2019 at 16:52
Completion Deadline
Application Deadline
10K yen–100K yen
Maximum Applicants
1–10 People